Top 5 Kurt Angle Matches

In honor of Kurt’s induction into the 2017 Hall of Fame, we will be diving in to the Olympic Gold Medalist’s top 5 matches.

And with a resume like Kurt Angle, picking the top 5 is a difficult task… it’s true, it’s DAMN true!


#5: Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker

World Heavyweight Title

(WWE No Way Out 2006)

The Undertaker we know now fully embodies Toby Keith’s I Ain’t As Good As I Once Was. It’s like it was written for him. But at some point between his prime and his crowning as the official king of once or twice a year mega-matches, Undertaker was a full-timer that put on slightly above average matches. And in a time when I was fully burnt out on the Undertaker, this gem shows up. An incredible match full of back and forth counters and a definitive finish.


#4: Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels

(Wrestlemania 21)

An absolute dream match. Great storyline heading into it, a remarkable big fight feel, and the match itself delivers on a very high level.


#3: Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit

WWE Title

(WWE Royal Rumble 2006)

Are we allowed to talk about this yet? Do I need to change the headline to “Kurt Angle in Action.” I’m so confused. I’m just going to quote a fan who isn’t uncomfortable talking about how much of a freaking technical masterpiece this is:

“An absolutely fantastic match between two of the most intense workers in WWE history , the work rate , the counters and the intensity of this match was something special … loved every minute of it , wish it lasted a lot longer than it did.” -Puro Sprit

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#2: Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs. Edge and Rey Mysterio

WWE Tag Team Title

(WWE No Mercy 2002)

Considered by many to be the best tag team match in WWE history. Legends speak of a group of men known as the “Smackdown Six” and this match contains four of those men. There is an interesting feeling in this match that these men are competitive and have a desire to win. Be sure to check this one out!


#1 Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar

WWE Title, 60 Minute Iron Man Match

(WWE Smackdown September 19, 2003)

Wait, what? Kurt Angle’s best match of his career took place on Smackdown? You’re damn right it did. This is a brilliant iron man match that never gets boring. Hot crowd, great psychology, nail-biting finish… this match has it all.

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